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Events List
20:30 ​
Whatever Str. 123, BerlinRoom #666
Event 01
Zur VeranstaltungsseiteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce lobortis ornare faucibus. Proin sit amet massa quis nisl luctus varius. Curabitur nec massa quis lacus sodales placerat ut eget metus.
Quisque sed leo leo. In suscipit massa nec nunc hendrerit cursus.Click here please! -
09:00 — 11:00 ​
Whatever Str. 123, BerlinRoom #123
Event 02
Zur VeranstaltungsseiteQuisque sed leo leo. In suscipit massa nec nunc hendrerit cursus. Nam fermentum viverra blandit. Integer facilisis cursus metus, sit amet varius purus lobortis in. Pellentesque sit amet interdum lacus.
20:30 ​
Whatever Str. 123, BerlinRoom #666
Event 01
Zur VeranstaltungsseiteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce lobortis ornare faucibus. Proin sit amet massa quis nisl luctus varius. Curabitur nec massa quis lacus sodales placerat ut eget metus.
Quisque sed leo leo. In suscipit massa nec nunc hendrerit cursus.Click here please! -
09:00 — 11:00 ​
Whatever Str. 123, BerlinRoom #123
Event 02
Zur VeranstaltungsseiteQuisque sed leo leo. In suscipit massa nec nunc hendrerit cursus. Nam fermentum viverra blandit. Integer facilisis cursus metus, sit amet varius purus lobortis in. Pellentesque sit amet interdum lacus.
Example of regular Tiles List
Prof. Dr. Jens Uwe Fischer
is a member of the Berlin Rotary Club Foundation. At the scholarship award ceremony, he told us why supporting students plays an important role for him.
Pavlina Popova
received the scholarship during her studies and is now one of our alumni. She is also now a member of the Rotary Club and supports our students.
Prof. Dr. Patrick Hostert
is Professor of Remote Sensing at the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität and has been supporting students in his department since 2019. He sees himself not only as a sponsor but also as a mentor and stays in regular contact with the scholarship holders.
Holders of scholarships from the Ferdinand and Charlotte Schimmelpfennig Foundation
introduce themselves, their studies, and their social activities in a short video.
Laura Breitsameter
set up supports our students of agricultural sciences and horticulture.
Bianca Städter
is Senior Manager of Recruiting, Recruitment Marketing and Talent Development at Allen & Overy LLP and devotes herself to the combination of talent acquisition and development.
Hanke Guo
studied a master’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor's degree in computer science. He sees the Deutschlandstipendium as recognition of his achievements and also as motivation for his further studies
Saskia Baumgardt
studied psychology and was funded by artop GmbH from 2021 to 2023. Thanks to her scholarship, she was able to work on a study at the Charité and gain practical experience alongside her studies.
Example of compact Tiles List
Prof. Dr. Jens Uwe Fischer
is a member of the Berlin Rotary Club Foundation. At the scholarship award ceremony, he told us why supporting students plays an important role for him.
Laura Breitsameter
set up supports our students of agricultural sciences and horticulture.
Pavlina Popova
received the scholarship during her studies and is now one of our alumni. She is also now a member of the Rotary Club and supports our students.
Prof. Dr. Patrick Hostert
is Professor of Remote Sensing at the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität and has been supporting students in his department since 2019. He sees himself not only as a sponsor but also as a mentor and stays in regular contact with the scholarship holders.
Holders of scholarships from the Ferdinand and Charlotte Schimmelpfennig Foundation
introduce themselves, their studies, and their social activities in a short video.
Bianca Städter
is Senior Manager of Recruiting, Recruitment Marketing and Talent Development at Allen & Overy LLP and devotes herself to the combination of talent acquisition and development.
Hanke Guo
studied a master’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor's degree in computer science. He sees the Deutschlandstipendium as recognition of his achievements and also as motivation for his further studies
Saskia Baumgardt
studied psychology and was funded by artop GmbH from 2021 to 2023. Thanks to her scholarship, she was able to work on a study at the Charité and gain practical experience alongside her studies.
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