
Ap­pli­ca­tions for Re­search Class­es

Tape-Art am Campus Nord.
Tape-Art am Campus Nord. Foto: Philipp Plum

The Research Class is a unique format developed by the Humboldt-Universität in 2013. In a Research Class, up to 15 students from different disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary topic. By being involved in current research projects, they learn about scientific working, exchange ideas with researchers, learn from them, and gain insights into the world of science at an early stage of their studies. Members of a Humboldt Research Class receive the Deutschlandstipendium and work on an interdisciplinary research project for two semesters.

Current call for applications

The new application period runs from 18 November to 11 December 2024.

Applications for Research Classes

In order to be able to participate in a Research Class, you must not only apply for a Deutschlandstipendium but also complete an assignment on a specific topic. Depending on the Research Class and the application procedure, interviews are also possible.

Research work and time required

The project work begins with an obligatory joint workshop to get to know each other and find a topic at the beginning of the summer semester and is continuously developed further within the framework of roughly bi-weekly meetings. Participation in a Research Class entails a workload of at least two hours per week. Active participation is a prerequisite for taking part in a Research Class and for receiving a scholarship.

Scholarship holders in Research Classes receive five credit points per semester.

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Our research classes