
Re­search Class­es

Students in conversation at Campus Mitte.
Students in conversation at Campus Mitte. Photo: Julia Baier

The Research Class is a unique format developed by the Humboldt-Universität in 2013. In a Research Class, up to 15 students from different disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary topic. By being involved in current research projects, they learn about scientific working, exchange ideas with researchers, learn from them, and gain insights into the world of science at an early stage of their studies. Members of a Humboldt Research Class receive the Deutschlandstipendium and work on an interdisciplinary research project for two semesters.


In a research class, up to 15 students from various disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary topic. The scholarship recipients learn scientific methods and how to conduct independent research through their involvement in research projects. They engage with researchers and gain early insights into the world of science, as well as access to high-profile events.

Our Research Class

    • Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Glob­al Jus­tice

      The Research Class based at IRI THESys deals with the diverse ecological and social aspects of concepts of "sustainability" and "global justice", with an annually changing focus.. The Research Class has been funded by the Humboldt-Universität Foundation since 2013.

    • Com­plet­ed projects

      In 2013, we developed the themed classes format, and in 2018 the Skills Lab. You can find an overview of our completed projects here.

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